Monday 6 September 2010

Euribor on it's high Schatz on it's low

Yesterday started so bad, Euribor on it's high Schatz on it's low, it was 7.15am and I am down 600 euros, thinking oh god. The fly ended up going 50 ticks! and I remember at that point I was thinking my first clip is 40 ticks offside, which is -400 euros alone but I was printing only 100 down which was awesome and it meant I had done pretty well in jogging my position throughout the day. The fly barely came back but the TED did and in the end I had one of my better days! It's just 5am so today I am going to be a little more cautious as I have almost stopped out every day of this month so far, and feeling pretty lucky but I also really hope the markets improve for spreading because they have been awful recently.

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