Yesterday I was up for the day but I decided to leave a position on overnight, today in the morning I sold 1/3 of my schatz on the netting and it came rocketing down, it was such a good price but I had worked at the office 14 hours yesterday and 11 hours the day before that and just wasn't feeling totally with it at such an early hour. I should have made 375 euros leaving it on overnight if I just took it all off on the netting, but instead just made 150. I was pissed off at myself and took a break outside and for some reason was feeling low. I am obviously too hard on myself, just a couple of weeks ago I miss clicked and cost myself 50 euros and decided it was better to leave early than carry on trading, for some reason I couldn't forgive myself. So after this I was feeling shit, it wasn't about the money, obviously 50 euros isn't a big deal it's just that I want to do well. I think I was feeling low because I felt like there was such a fine line in having a disaster week and doing what I have done, I guess I just have high expectations, sigh.
Recently the TED has been so awful and it's been a struggle but after my 15 minute break I came back feeling a little better and got involved in the markets, they were the best they had been all month for spreading and I made exactly 600 euros, which was really needed as I felt I had worked so hard recently but couldn't book a nice win because the spreads were trending and not ranging. All in all a good week so far and not far from hitting €2k gross on the week. I really want to push my size up but the stress has been higher than I could imagine.
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