Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Need to size up!!!

I spoke to the other guy who backs me and he said I should aim to size up, and do it after I have made money in the morning, so start on 8 by 10 each day then do 12 by 15 later, I think is a great idea to do it this way. He said within 4 weeks I should aim to trade 20 by 25! but I think it's perhaps too ambitious, but it would be amazing!

Now that I am starting to make money I feel really annoyed having to pay such big costs about £3000+ a month. Why can't people play zero sum games for free (poker, trading etc) let us gamble our money in peace... the exchange rapes you, desk fee's etc what a joke. I get pretty cheap commissions although I pay a lot for my desk. So I could get it cheaper trading somewhere else all in all but it's not that much better, plus I think the atmosphere and possibilities for the future (for example if I backed someone I would get money from the round turns they do, which I hope to do one day) make it worth staying. Either way trading is expensive sigh.

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