Friday, 3 February 2012

- Non Farms -

Awesome, I shorted the 10 year T note during NF and then bought the low of the initial move. Was having a decent day before this and finished 30 minutes after NF, as its 10.30pm here and a Friday.

+£877 (~$1400 USD) after costs. Which makes it my most profitable day in trading.

Unfortunately on Monday the clearing house made an error which caused my account to be restricted.

One of my emails to them:

I executed a short position on the 10 year Australian Bond 'XT 03-12'. My strategy is to hedge my position on the 3 year 'YT 03-12' which you can clearly see from my trades. This time I missed my hedge and the 10 year had already reached another price I was wanting to sell, so I sold the 10 year (so I am now short 2 lots) and immediately executed the correct size to hedge my short positions. Unfortunately an error message is generated and consequently I cannot enter a long position on the 3 year. I quickly email trade desk as I just used my credit on my mobile talking to the trade desk and I had to think how I should handle this short position... I am quickly in a decent sized loss and I quickly try to exit the position. I click buy on the bid (rather than lifting the offer) as it's a clear opportunity to get out at a lower price, the offer starts to disappear and without hesitation I lift the offer. I get another error message and quickly conclude my working order could be limiting my account further. I remove the working order and try again to exit the market with 2 lots a second time. I get the same error message and quickly change my size to 1 lot and exit the market (which has now traded higher, as this move was pretty aggressive for the 10 year and not slow like it usually is). I am now short 1 lot and I cannot lift the offer to flatten my account. I run to the local shops (minutes away), top up in about 15 seconds and call the trade desk, I give clear orders to them and it was 12 hours later when they were able to get me out of the short position.

Now I am trying to get back the loss similar to the amount I made on Friday.

During the week I decided to stop trading the 3y vs 10y AUS bonds, as it's not a spread and I am now trading the 10 year AUS bond vs 10 year US bond. Which is a lot better!

I didn't make many trades, due to trying to solve software issues, loss issues.. but I was at the screen on average 20 hours a day, I made few trades, but managed to swap products to something better, get my software just how I need it to be, so it was nice to be handed a lump sum right at the end of the week.

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