Finally feeling well! I hate trading when I am ill because I find it harder to let go of mistakes and sometimes I try and overcompensate them, anyway I am ready for the week.
Yesterday I spoke over the phone with my biological father, I have only met him once when I was about 16 and it was really cool. I will probably meet him next weekend, my step dad failed me and even though my biological father did too he admits his flaws and I can relate to him and I find him pleasant company. He is a risk taker too and will be interesting to learn why I am the way I am.
It got me thinking about my life, I made this blog recently more about my trades, blogging results and my emotions on the tough and good days. Although perhaps its more interesting to reflect on how I got to day trading. I think I had a good path in software development and not so long ago I was in contact with the president of BT for a job in Hong Kong and also in contact with a guy who wanted me to be the new junior developer, someone he can teach and he took a liking to me I think.. I would have started somewhere above £30k if I was successful. I never applied and I told my friend to tell the BT president I am going back into trading and thanked him for his help. I would have been miserable developing although being in Hong Kong would have been sweet.
If I could enjoy life, to want to comment on sports, the weather, go to the cinema and actually enjoy it, I could have been at peace with a more normal route. I get bored, I get frustrated by others but I am very quiet in my frustration. Although not to my closest friends who I unload it on, sorry! I must also have some sort of bi polar thing too. I hate falseness and hierarchy, my mum said as a child I always wanted things to be fair and would go out my way to make it so. I was in the lift once at work, two guys entered the lift from another company, one was clearly senior and the other clearly a new starter. The senior guy was so patronizing in how he spoke, it was unbelievable. I listened to the whole conversation and was so disgusted I could feel my blood boiling and instantly said "that sounds like fun" as sarcasticially as I could and looked at the senior guy like ye fuck u.. for someone so quiet it should have been surprising but they didn't know me and I was obviously ignored. Around that time I also put my neck out to get my friend off a bad product, the whole team was shifted to fixed income and then I complained again when they weren't aloud to average, lol. I wasn't gonna let them emphasize their profit heavily on comissions at the expense of my friends career.
Perhaps I shouldn't have picked such a tough entry into trading, I could have tried to go to a bank or perhaps worked in software for a bit closely with traders and migrated or whatever. I did this route because it makes me happy and I thought I have a good chance, although I admit there's many ways for me to fail, but then if there weren't it wouldn't be the job for me. It's not such an easy game, spreading is good and all but for me it's a stepping stone to something bigger and more secure. I can only try and stop and review where I am going and keep a level head, there is a balance! Things are going well, better than I had hoped since I restarted in April but always good to reflect.
For any newcomers, I wrote a few blog posts (kinda articles) about a year ago on: zero sum games, what I think the perfect strategy is and about the worlds biggest economys.
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