Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Welcome back to myself :D

I am going back to the company I traded in partnership with before, although this time I am trading from home. This means my desk fees are about half as much and I don't have rent to pay as I am living with family. Therefore it should be a great chance for me, although right now I am £2000 overdrawn and £0 balance so in desperate need of some cash... so many obstacles, I hope by writing the negatives in full along the way I can then look back at this blog and feel good at how far I have come. I have a free month of fixed costs initially so I hope to make money and withdraw it just to help me afford internet bills, charting software and food etc.

I feel bad because I owe my step dad money and also my mum for paying for hospital fees. Although I don't speak to my step dad and he doesn't deserve anything but I will have to pay him back sometime I feel. So things aren't amazing.. but it's not really my fault I had so much bad luck all at once, and why should that stop me when I obviously had some kind of career in trading.

Likely starting in about 2 weeks time. :)

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